Greetings from mazatlan, mexico :)

Today marks one week of living in this incredible place, and it truly is starting to feel like home. It seems that I could already write a book with the abundance of testimonies full of moments of healing, deliverance, and countless salvations. In fact, I feel there is too much to share (a great problem to have - thank you Jesus!), so I will do my best to share a few highlights of what God is doing here and in future blog posts. Get ready…



Every day this week I joined teams of students in neighborhoods and the streets to preach, evangelize, and share the Gospel. We saw everything from bodies being completely healed as well as witches being delivered and saved! The Lord moved on the hearts of six people I spoke with to surrender their life to Jesus, yet as our teams went out there is testimony of nearly one hundred salvations from this week alone!


This week our team went to a local rehab center that we’ve been visiting for several months and 22 people were baptized!


As I’ve adjusted to life here in Mexico, I have been so encouraged by the intentional discipleship relationships that exist. Already I am being individually discipled and poured into by leaders, and already I have opportunity to pour my life into others. With this comes a Kingdom culture of honor, affirmation, and extreme celebration - I have never seen anything like it in my life! And, as I had opportunity this week to participate in leading worship on base, I was completely overwhelmed by being surrounding by a truly lovesick bride. My heart is exploding with gratitude and praise.

“Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.’”

faith is rising

I seriously have never experienced anything like this before. Of all of the countries that I’ve done ministry, all of the countless evangelism conversations, and of the many sermons preached, I have yet to be witness to so much fruit in such a short time. The harvest is truly plentiful. I’m finding people are even approaching us to ask about Jesus! There is such a hunger for Him here, and He desires to satisfy that longing.

Preparing for outreach:

turkey🇹🇷 and kosovo🇽🇰

Please be praying for our team as we prepare to leave on December 24th to partner with churches and ministries in the countries of Turkey and Kosovo for the next three months before returning back home to Mexico!

Here are a couple specific prayer points:

  • .2% of the population in Turkey are comprised of believers, so please pray for supernatural favour with governmental bodies, locals, and our ministry partners as we work with existing organizations that focus on evangelism and strategic/secret gatherings to share the Gospel.
  • Kosovo is an incredibly small nation in Europe with 92.4% of the population considered unreached. Our role will be partnering with the few existing ministries and churches present to strategically evangelize, train, and equip the local leaders to reach their people with the Gospel!

What I’m learning

  • God is actually GOOD. I’ve said it for years, but I realized how much I have doubted that God actually is for me: “He who did not even spare His own Son for you, will He not also give you all good things?” (Romans 8:32).
  • The Gospel is powerful and we have both an opportunity and responsibility to share the testimony of Jesus with others - for it isChrist in you, the hope of glory” (Col 1:27).
  • Christ alone truly is enough! The blood is enough; it is enough to restore and heal sickness, decades worth of mistakes, sadness, addiction, confusion, trauma, etc etc etc. Even if everything is taken away from me for His name’s sake, He is still enough. Nobody can steal the joy and freedom they never gave me!

Thank you

My heart is filled with gratitude for each of you, and I pray that as you read this your faith is stirred to boldly declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all circles of your life. This is all about Him! Whether you are a financial advisor, doctor, teacher, or unemployed, if you are a Christian, the King of Heaven and earth lives in you and longs to reveal Himself through your life…


“Light yourself on fire with passion and people will come from miles to watch you burn”