
I’m super excited to share with you what God has done over the last few weeks - it’s been action packed in terms of hands-on ministry in the community. I’ve got some exciting updates around joining staff, a quick reminder of truth, and a ministry highlight that I can’t wait to share with you through story, photo, and video (and even offer you a special invitation to come join me in person…).

Before I get too ahead of myself, let’s start with a visit I made to a friend, Cody (he was on my outreach team this year to the Middle East!) who now lives as a full-time missionary in Tijuana, Mexico with his family.

pit-stop in Tijuana, MX

While in TJ at the beginning of May, I was able to have a comprehensive visit at the YWAM base and even participate in some of the ministry happening there. I was so refreshed seeing friends and other people running hard to see the Lord encounter the country of Mexico with His love. This base is quite well established with such a strong emphasis on local ministry, one of which called “Homes of Hope” has been pioneered on our base as well.

which leads me to this newsletter’s ministry highlight…

Ministry highlight:

Homes of Hope!

While at the most recent build, I recorded a quick video to help visualize and explain the beauty of this ministry… enjoy!!!

In this recent season alone…

… our base has built 15 homes (now over 300 in total!) - that’s 15 families discipled, 15 generational legacies shifted, and 15 neighborhoods transformed… this year. Let me show you a couple more pictures from two different build I’ve been a part of.

A true reminder: what you are sowing into is having tangible impact and real-life change - both spiritually and physically. THANK YOU for partnering with the ministry here.

(Also - just to throw the idea out there… If you are wanting to bring down your family, your company, or members of your church/ministry, please feel free to message me personally or fill out the form at the bottom of the page and we can arrange a trip together!!!)

new updates: officially Joining Staff

As this quarter comes to a close on base, so also does my three-month training and time of transition to staff…

I have now officially joined staff here and have made commitment to serve primarily under the Burning Hearts department, leadership, and vision on base.

lyndon, What does that look like ?

Great Question! My primary role will be in staffing and helping lead our discipleship training schools (what we call DTS). Students come for 6 months from countries all over the world where the focus is to learn in-depth about who God is and then sharing the Gospel with others. In short — a hands-on, missions training school. The first three months are spent on base with full-on discipleship, ministry, and training for these students, and the three final months are spent where a co-leader and I will lead a team of students to 1-2 countries on outreach for intensive ministry. Although our base is involved in dozens of different ministries locally and internationally, these schools are the heartbeat of our base, and are the catapulting point for everything else we do.

With that, those 6 months are intense. So, in-between staffing schools I will continue serving the base and serving in the local community. There are Burning Hearts schools starting in September and January, and it’s not official quite yet which one I’ll be directly helping with. So, what will the next months look like then? Beyond the typical day-to-day staff responsibilities I carry, my main role will look like a more extensive position in media/content creating for our ministry, hosting incoming teams that join us in Mazatlan for local outreach, and helping organize and pioneer our first BH conference with partners in Bogota, Colombia (coming in September!!!).

All that to say - I’ll keep you up to date as it all unfolds. I am so excited :)

A quick reminder

In the craziness of our daily schedules, sometimes we can easily forget the wild reality of the freedom we have actually received in Him… and just in case nobody has reminded you today:

”If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed” - John 8:36

If you’ve got a couple extra minutes, maybe sit for a moment with the Lord and remember some of your history together. What have you been rescued from? What has His love and freedom invited you into? How can you bless and serve the people around you right now in light of what He’s done?

There’s nothing left we have to strive for. Nothing to prove. His blood was, is, and will always be enough.

thank you thank you thank you

…. is an understatement. From the bottom of my heart, I am filled with sincere gratitude. For you, for the work I somehow have the privilege of doing, and the grand mission we get to be a part of together. Seriously, what an immense honor.

Thank you.


walk holy. Stay awesome.

In the Beloved,

Lyndon Matthew Lloyd

“If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.”

lyndon, I want to come do ministry with you in mexico!