Hey Family!

At the start of the new year we received a new group of students from all over the world who came to join a 6 month school called a D.T.S (discipleship training school). I've been full-time with this school, and for the last couple months we've seen incredible transformation as we've spent time in ministry to others, ministry unto the Lord, and to each-other. We've studied who God is and what it means to be in relationship with Him, and have had the privilege of hearing from friends from all over the world coming to share with us. It's been so stretching and often messy, but also so beautiful and fun (aka: what happens when you do intentional life with people haha). I'm growing so much in all of the early mornings, late nights, moments of breakthrough and freedom, conflict resolution, responsibilities as a leader and communicator, etc. and am thankful for each moment. Here's some photos so far...

My friend Joel from the U.K. being baptized the first week!

preparing for outreach

In about one month our school is splitting into smaller teams and we will be going to different parts of the world on outreach. I will be co-leading a team, traveling, and doing ministry for 8 weeks during April and May!

please be praying for us for:

  1. A thriving team! We have 6 different passports represented, and the majority of our team is Latino (so some supernatural grace with my Spanish haha)
  2. Finances - we are still in the fundraising process and most of our team come from a background/local community without many resources and are trusting the Lord the provide! To partner with us financially, here is the link: https://www.lyndonlloyd.com/financial-partnership/

Midway through January I joined a team of people at an intensive leadership training conference hosted by The Send (an organizing that puts on stadium gatherings internationally with the purpose of activating believers into missions locally and abroad). The leaders of 20+ missions-mobilization bases and organizations flew in from all over to Huntington Beach, California (hosted by our friends at Circuit Riders!) for one week to pray, strategize, and partner together around what's next in the missions movement. We looked at the hour we are currently in and how to essentially reach and equip Gen-Z with the Gospel to complete the Great Commission in a way that serves and celebrates the communities around us!

This week was so life-giving: seeing so many friends that feel like family, meeting tons of incredible new people, and honestly feeling so humbled/honored simply to be in the room… the decisions and collaboration coming out of those sessions literally have the capacity to shape nations. Whether it’s through missions training schools or large scale gatherings like The Send, we dreamed together of how to see the next generation activated into missions. I am looking into the future with crazyyy big vision for the next few years!

Moving into the next months

I’ll keep you posted with more prayer points and details before we leave officially for outreach, but in the mean time I want to say a giant THANK YOU for all of your love, support, and friendship moving into this new year! It’s a crazy, busy, and also rich season here, so I’m super grateful to have such a solid crew to do it all with :)

Love you all!!!!

Lyndon Matthew Lloyd

extra: new podcast!!

Here’s a podcast we recorded with Brennan Joseph from MBL worship a couple weeks back! Enjoy :)